StartUp Breeze

The 12 finalists are working toward the Oct. 9, 2024 final in Florence

See the finalist

Download the brochure with the finalists profile from here

Register to the final event

StartUp Breeze is a light and refreshing journey together with an extended network of partners helping focusing and improving the value proposition of business ideas and startups in pharma, medical devices digital health

About StartUp Breeze

StartUp Breeze (SB) ssupports life science business ideas and start-ups in focusing and improving their value proposition, thanks to an extensive network of partners (investment funds, innovation centers, incubators, accelerators and other industry players). SB provides expertise, tools and networking to the companies selected by the evaluation committee of expert and specialized investors, in order to refine and fully exploit their business potential.

The selected finalists benefit from a tailor-made entrepreneurial journey, with thematic seminars and in-depth sessions with coach expert in the field, ending with the presentation of the proposals to investors and potential business partners at the final event, the Pinwheel Pitching Stage. An expert jury will assign the title for the most innovative proposal as well as the Special Awards, offered by initiative partners.

SB was born from the more than a decade experience of its organizers in supporting creation development of start-ups and it is realised thanks to the fundamental free contribution of its network of partners.

For the 2024 edition, the final Pinwheel Pitching Stage event will be held on the 9th of October 2024 in Florence, hosted by EventX Life Sciences, the life sciences event crossroad of research, clinics, market, innovation, health.


Who can apply

The 2024 edition is dedicated to business proposals (business ideas or start-ups) with a TRL between 3 and 5 (have a look here to verify TRL definition for the sector) operating in the following areas:


Selection criteria

  • Team experience and skill

  • Proposed solution and context description (clarity and scientific/technical soundness)

  • Market potential

  • Marketing strategy and competitors mapping

  • Revenue stream and financials credibility

  • Quality of the attached pitch

How to apply

Applicants have to download the following zip file containing the application form, the personal data privacy notice and related authorization, and send to the address reported in the application form:

  • the application form filled out in full;

  • proposal pitch deck (PowerPoint or pdf);

  • pdf of the signed authorization to process personal data.

All the application material has to be submitted in English and it will be treated as non-confidential (see below the relevant Disclaimer). Proposals must be no longer than 4 pages. The total file size (application form + pitch + authorisation to process personal data) may not exceed 15 Mb. Applications not completed or sent after the deadline will not be considered.

Deadline: 07 June 2024, h 17:00.

For clarification or information, use the form in the Contact section

StarUp Breeze is an initiative organized and coordinated by Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences

Disclaimer: only SB 2024 evaluators, coaches and organizers have access to the applications, who will treat the material provided as non-confidential. In any case, the protection of intellectual property remains the sole responsibility of the participants, and the organization and partner entities may have any responsibility in protecting any intellectual property or other rights of the participants contained in the submitted proposals. The organisation of the initiative is not responsible for any failure, delay or problems with the receipt of applications. The organization reserves the right to change dates or rules of the competition at any time. The organization will make every effort to communicate any changes in good time on the initiative website and by e-mail to applicants or selected finalists.

For ruther details have a look to the regulation of the initiative.

Download the application form